How much is the price of product and service in Phnom Penh? [Updated on 10/1/’18]

[:ja]瓜生原[:][:en]Takumi[:] [:ja]琢実[:][:en]Uriuhara[:]

by Takumi Uriuhara

When you travel abroad or move to abroad, I think you check the prices in the country you will visit in order to budget for your staying.
I’m working in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia and using Google Spreadsheets to manage expenses.
In this article, I share the prices of Phnom Penh’s products and services for those who have a plan to visit Phnom Penh.
Check the following table, it becomes helpful in your budget-making.

In the table, you can find a link to Google Map or the link of service page as well. By attaching links, you can check where you can purchase and use that product or service.
Therefore, you can refine the price categories displayed on the table by unchecking the following check boxes.

What you see in the table below is the latest price when I visit but it may be offered at different prices due to campaigns or rising prices when you visit. Please note this point.

Refine Price Category

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